Open source MATLAB toolbox for simultaneous eye tracking & EEG
After more than ten years, it's probably time for a "version 1.0". Download it here.
The EYE-EEG toolbox allows researchers to synchronize and integrate eye-tracking and EEG data, detect eye movements and correct for ocular artifacts. However, analyses of the EEG during free viewing also require users
to deal with two additional analysis problems: The temporal overlap between the neural responses produced by each eye fixation (which often differs systematically between conditions) and the fact that many low-level properties of the eye movement and the viewed
stimulus also strongly modulate this neural response. Fortunately, EYE-EEG now has a new "sister" toolbox that elegantly deals with both problems: unfold, a toolbox for (non)linear deconvolution modelling that is fully compatible with EYE-EEG and can directly read EYE-EEG datasets for further processing.
The EYE-EEG toolbox is an extension for the open-source MATLAB toolbox EEGLAB developed to facilitate integrated analyses of electrophysiological and oculomotor data [1]. The toolbox parses, imports, and synchronizes simultaneously recorded eye tracking data and adds it as extra channels to the EEG.
Saccades and fixations can be imported from the eye tracking raw data or detected with an adaptive velocity-based algorithm [2]. Eye movements are then added as new time-locking events to EEGLAB's event structure, allowing easy saccade- and fixation-related EEG analysis (e.g., fixation-related potentials, FRPs). Alternatively, EEG data can be aligned to stimulus onsets and analyzed according to oculomotor behavior (e.g. pupil size, microsaccades) in a given trial. Saccade-related ICA components can be objectively identified based on their covariance with the electrically independent eye tracker [3].
EYE-EEG adds a top-level menu called Fieldtrip or Brainstorm.
to EEGLAB. All functions can be accessed via this menu and are saved in EEGLAB's command history. Alternatively, functions can be called from the command line, providing advanced users with the option to use them in custom scripts. Using EEGLAB's export functions, integrated datasets may also be exported to other free toolboxes likeEYE-EEG was written by Olaf Dimigen and Ulrich Reinacher (contributor until 2012).
For details, please see the tutorial.
Currently, the toolbox reads text-converted raw data from eye trackers by SR Research (e.g., EyeLink™-series), Sensomotoric Instruments (e.g., iView X™ and RED™-series) and Tobii Pro (e.g. Tobii Pro TX-300 or Pro Spectrum). If your EEG and eye track are already synchronized (see Tutorial: How to connect eye tracker & EEG), the toolbox can also be used to further process data recorded with other eye tracking hardware. There are no known limitations regarding EEG hardware, since EEGLAB imports most EEG formats.
>> EEGLAB: adding "eye_eeg" plugin version 0.99 (see >> help eegplugin_eye_eeg)
That's it. EEGLAB now has an additional menu called "Eyetracker":
Alternatively, you can download EYE-EEG from within the EEGLAB user interface using the EEGLAB extension manager. Or you can download it from the Github repository for EYE-EEG
To get started, read the step-by-step tutorial or try out the toolbox with example data.
This is free software distributed under the GNU General Public License. However, we do ask those who use this program or adapt its functions to cite it in their work. Please refer to it as the "EYE-EEG toolbox" (or "EYE-EEG extension") and cite reference [1] below. if you use the saccade detection, please additionally cite reference [2] (note that EYE-EEG contains modifications and additional options for the saccade detection procedures, which go beyond those proposed in the original paper. It is therefore helpful if you clarify that you have used the implementations of these methods in EYE-EEG). If you select ICA components based on the variance ratio criterion, please make sure to cite references [3] and [7]. The reference for the optimized ICA procedure (OPTICAT) is reference [7]
For bug reports, feature requests, and all other feedback please email us. We would be happy to hear of any papers you have written or insights you have gained using EYE-EEG. We also welcome any collaboration in improving the tools, adding features, or supporting additional eye trackers. if the toolbox was useful to you, you can also buy the EYE-EEG team a coffee below: